Client Success

Together we focus on MORE than just the scale to measure progress. Success in fitness is not one-size-fits-all. We use photos, weight, how you're feeling, strength in and out of the gym, how your clothes are fitting, and more to measure progress while celebrating the lifestyle changes (big and small!) along the way.


"There is always a way to improve and get stronger that works for you!"

Initially I wanted to lose weight and boost body confidence ahead of being a bridesmaid at a friend's wedding and after having put on a lot of weight over the first lockdown in 2020.

I loved that Katrina's focus is not on trying to get you to reach a certain "look" or trying to make one program fit all - everything feels so tailored to your own goals and she adapts things to keep pushing you to progress even when things change up (i.e. injuries, motivation lulls etc.) - you don't ever feel like you are hitting a wall or having to start from scratch again with her. Katrina helped me learn that consistency is key but also that it's okay to switch things up if they aren't working for you - there is always a way to improve and get stronger that works for you!

Successes I had during training included feeling more confident in the gym (using more equipment I had previously been intimated to use); hitting personal bests consistently on big lifts like hip thrusts, squats and deadlifts; and feeling like clothes were fitting better/improving my own relationship with my body and food outside of the gym!

I couldn't recommend Katrina’s coaching more! I have loved working with her and look forward to continuing to do so! I would recommend her services as she makes the gym accessible no matter what experience you have had previously. She breaks everything down effectively and makes sure that you are doing lifts/exercises properly (with correct form) and consistently to ensure that progress is sustainable and that you can also do the lifts/workouts by yourself without injuring yourself or not understanding why you are doing certain exercises/lifts.

"It really is a lifestyle change that comes with so many positives"

When I first signed up for training I was completely focused on growing my glutes and was hoping to look a certain way in a certain time frame. However, during my time training with Katrina my goal completely changed. I found myself less focused on my glutes/ how I looked and became more focused on growing stronger as a whole. I learned that there's no quick fix to fitness, and that it really is a lifestyle change that comes with so many positives. The support and knowledge I gained from my time with Katrina has completely changed my perspective and goal in an amazing way.

Training with Katrina is a no judgment zone. The level of comfort and support she establishes is amazing, and I couldn't see myself getting this far into my fitness journey without her. She constantly encourages me and provides me with so many resources to help work on hitting my macros in a healthy way. Anytime I slip up she always helps uplift me and assures me that no one is perfect. 

I love training with Katrina as she is passionate, flexible, and knowledgeable. She creates fantastic programs that keep me interested throughout my workout as well as she is always available to help troubleshoot when I'm not sure what I should be doing. Should I ever have a question she gets back to me quickly, providing both clear and effective solutions. Equipment or no equipment, Katrina comes up with ideas that continue to challenge me and help me work towards my fitness goals.

I have had the most positive experience working with Katrina. I can't believe what a difference she has made in my life. Working with Katrina has given me a toolset for success that I could have never imagined having before meeting her.

I would recommend Katrina's services to literally anyone and everyone. I would especially recommend her service to those who have a fairly minimal amount of baseline fitness/nutrition knowledge as she has so much to give and to teach. 

"I noticed that my regular clothes have started fitting differently"

The initial goal that I had when signing up was to lose weight. But another goal that I have been working on is having confidence at the gym. Katrina has helped me gain confidence at the gym and has helped me get to know the equipment and use them properly.

One success that I have accomplished is fitting into an old pair of pants that didn't fit me last year. I noticed that my regular clothes have started fitting differently, so I decided to try on the old pair of pants and they fit me! It was a nice goal to hit, and left me feeling motivated to keep working harder.

When I'm being super hard on myself or feel like I've had an off week, there is always support from Katrina to keep going, and she also has noticed improvements that I may have not picked up on myself.  

Overall I'm very satisfied working with Katrina. She has set up fitness programs to help me achieve my goals, but also give me a bit of a challenge so I can push myself further. She is a very supportive coach who is always there to keep you on track. Katrina is also very easy to communicate with which has been super helpful throughout my fitness journey.  I would recommend Katrina's services to others and have mentioned her name a few times.

"Being able to appreciate my body for what it could do and how it could change is something I am so grateful for"

I wanted to build muscle and develop healthy exercise routines. I really began to notice changes in my muscle tone and shape. I kept finding new definition which was always exciting! Katrina was willing to meet me where I was and augment my program accordingly. The individual approach really works! Training with Katrina changed my whole relationship with my body. Being able to appreciate it for what it could do and how it could change is something I am so grateful for! It was a consistent positive that kept me motivated. I would recommend Katrina to anyone who is looking to work on their fitness goals.

  • "I never thought that lifting heavy weights would be something that I was into"

    The initial goal that I wanted to accomplish was weight loss and toning/strengthening my muscles. I signed up for training because I wanted someone who would teach me effective exercises that would help me achieve my goals because I didn't know what I needed to do when it came to working out. I also enjoyed the idea of accountability when working with a coach who would keep me on track.

    I never thought that lifting heavy weights would be something that I was into. However, when I lifted 165 lbs on hip thrusts or 95 lbs on deadlifts, it was a huge success for me! During lockdown, I was skeptical if I could get as great of a workout at home as I could in the gym. I was pleasantly surprised that at the end of a home workout it kicked my butt! 

    I really liked that Katrina always made her coaching very personal to the individual. She also trained my identical twin sister, yet I still had a very individualized coaching plan. She showed that she had a lot of confidence in me which helped to boost my confidence in myself. She also had a great way of making me understand what I needed to do before I did it. Either using terms/phrases that help me understand which muscles I should be using or demonstrating herself, it helped me to get the most of the exercise! 

    My experience working with Katrina was very positive! I would 100% recommend Katrina's service to others who are looking to tone their bodies, build muscle, and have a healthy relationship with food!

  • "Being consistent with healthy habits is how progress really happens"

    I have learned so much about weight training and building muscle thanks to Katrina! Before working with Katrina I was only used to dumbbells and calisthenics exercises but I have since become way more comfortable lifting heavier with the machines. Each week I notice improvements with my strength whether that be in weight or reps!

    I really love how simple everything is to follow! Katrina is amazing at responding to any messages and questions as soon as she can! After reviewing check-ins she also sends a video and text summary of everything that you need to work on for the week. I think that it’s  super helpful to have both methods!

    Katrina has helped me learn how I view consistency/habits! I've learnt that it's not necessary to be perfect all the time but by being consistent with healthy habits is how progress really happens!

    I've been working with Katrina for 3 months so far and I'm so happy that I decided to! She is such a kind, patient, and encouraging coach! She always makes you feel comfortable and is there to help with any questions you have.

    I recommend Katrina’s coaching to anyone who is looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle and build consistent habits! I am a student with a very busy life but Katrina has been super adaptable and understanding, she’s helped me find a routine that can work with my schedule!

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